Youtube-Kanal: deutschsprachige und englischsprachige Videos rund um R
Beiträge zu RWeekly, dem wöchentlichen Newsletter der R Community:
- 2021-W49: How to Plot Statistical Group Comparisons in R: ggstatsplot – Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W47: Creating Your Own R Package: It’s easier than you may think! A Playlist – Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W47: What About „…“ in R Functions? Magic and Danger – Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W45: How to set up Automated Tests for Your R Package using testthat – Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W42: Why and How to Include a Vignette in Your R Package – Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W41: How to Include Data in Your R Package – Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W40: How to Document a Function in Your R Package – Youtube / rweekly (ebenfalls in rweekly 2021-W42)
- 2021-W40: How to Import / Export SAS, SPSS, Stata Data in R: haven; Systat, WEKA: foreign – Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W39: Creating Your First R Package in 2 Minutes in RStudio! – Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W38: Creating Your Own R Package: Why and When – Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W36: R’s Internal Data Formats: .Rda, .RData, .rds: Why I prefer .rds and why NOT to rely on a workspace image – Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W35: How to Import Pivoted Excel Data in R: tidyxl, unpivotr – Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-31: Accessing SQL Databases in R: Three Approaches – Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W27: Visualizing Time Series in R – Moving Averages using tidyquant::geom_ma() – Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W21: R 4.1.0: Base R Pipe Has Arrived! Use Cases, Benchmark vs. magrittr – Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W21: Progress Bars and Parallel Execution in R: progressr and future – Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W18: ggplot2: From Bad Pie Charts to Polished Bars & Animation – Step by Step – Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W13: Why I don’t use Powerpoint to present Data Analyses – Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W11: Speeding up plot creation can be as simple as specifying the ragg device within ggsave! – Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W09: How to Plot Data from Databases in R Efficiently: dbplot – Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W08: How to Protect R Projects from Breaking Changes in Packages: renv: Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W06: How to apply check boxes, drop-down fields, and sliders to explore data without Shiny: plotly, crosstalk, and bscols(): Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W05: How to make Boxplots in R More Informative using ggplot2, EnvStats, ggstatsplot, ggtext: Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W03: Interactive Plots in R without Shiny: Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W02: Identifying Bottlenecks (slow code parts) in R using Profiling / profvis: Youtube / rweekly
- 2021-W01: Running R Code in Parallel: What if run times differ? clusterApplyLB: Youtube / rweekly
- 2020-52: Running loops in parallel in R using foreach: Youtube / rweekly
- 2020-51: (German) R-Code parallelisieren mit parallel::clusterApply():
Youtube / rweekly - 2020-48: Videos and Podcasts: Processing Data in Chunks in R using iotools (Option for Big Data Analysis): Youtube / rweekly
- 2020-31: (German) data.table vs. dplyr und dtplyr: Benchmarks
- 2020-20: German blog post: How to document functions in your own R package using roxygen2. R Code, screenshots, examples included.
- 2020-17: (German) How to create an R package in RStudio in 2 minutes
- 2020-04: German blog article: Why and when to create your own R package. Reasons and situations to create your own R package. Advantages of R packages over functions in scripts.
- 2019-17: 30 years of financial compensation between federal states of Germany in animated chart, using new gganimate API and bounce effects. German article, R code and data provided.
- 2019-13: (German) Speeding up R Code: Loop vs. Vectorized function vs. Lookup-Table – What is faster than a for loop in R (almost any alternative) and faster than a vectorized function? Assigning values to 1000 Skat cards, the Lookup Table beats the vectorized function by far.
- 2019-06: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming using S3 classes. German language. Make R play Rock – Paper – Scissors with user defined output (print method).
- Statistische Auswertung und Mitarbeit an der Publikation
GKV Versichertenmonitor 2009 – Analysen der Präferenzen von Versicherten in Bezug auf Wahltarife der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung,
inomic studies No. 8, ISSN: 1619-3733
(zusammen mit Thomas Lehr, Philipp Schickl und Susann Zimmer) - „Lebensstile von Jugendlichen: Eine empirische Untersuchung„
ISBN: 978-3-8364-6944-9 (zusammen mit Dr. phil. Claudia Beckert-Zieglschmid)
Besonderheit: Anwendung der selten eingesetzten ordinal-logistischen Regression